Five Fast Facts about Tennessee RV Insurance

 When traveling or living permanently in your RV, there’s one thing that all owners need — insurance. Keltner Insurance of Memphis, TN wants to ensure you understand your insurance needs regarding RVs.

Learn these five facts about RV insurance today!

1. RVs are also automobiles. While an RV may be a permanent home to many, its ability to drive down the road or highway classifies it as an automobile and, therefore, subject to auto insurance laws.

2. Since 2017, uninsured drivers of an auto in Tennessee may face hefty fines and the potential loss of their vehicle. Insurance can be verified in a state database as proof of coverage under the James Lee Atwood Jr. Law.

3. Tennessee drivers must provide proof of minimum insurance coverage. Minimum coverage amounts include the following per state law, which does not necessarily correlate with your insurance premiums:

  • state legal minimum coverage for each injury or death per accident.
  • state legal minimum for total injuries or deaths per accident.
  • state legal minimum for property damage per accident.

4. Minimum coverage does not protect your own RV against damage, only liability. Most RV owners will also choose a comprehensive insurance plan covering damage to their own vehicles from collisions or natural events like hail.

5. RVs with significant assets inside may also choose supplemental insurance coverage for these belongings. This coverage is often divided into full-time or vacation, depending on your RV use.

Don’t get caught unaware; get prepared. RV insurance can help protect you both on the open road and at the RV campsite. Keltner Insurance of Memphis, TN can help you find the right policy for the region. Contact us for a quote today!